Corporate Partnerships
What’s the need?
Lewisham has some of the most deprived wards in the UK, with high incidence of food and material poverty, school exclusion, obesity and crime. Young people inevitably face adversity and difficult choices. Many successfully negotiate this to become successful adults. But so many others feel they have nowhere to turn and struggle to thrive.
This is where we come in. We provide safe space for thousands of young people (c. 1,700 post-covid) to have fun, learn life skills, and grow their skills and confidence. We build trusted relationships using the draw of activities that will encourage young people into the habit of regular positive activities (including sports and creativity), with their peers and with trauma-trained youth workers, to tackle issues early on before they become entrenched.
During Covid, we supported c1,400 locked-down young people with live online clubs and challenges, support to access food parcels, advice on issues like Black Lives Matters, and targeted 1-1 support with those most isolated and at risk. Our face-to-face services are now back open, but with more limited resources, and the need greater than ever. We need support (donations and in-kind) from organisations like yours to continue to sustain and grow our work with young people.
For more information, see our annual report here.
Why partner with us?
Working with us, you can be sure that your staff will be making a lasting difference to young people. Youth First is a trusted, established organisation that works with passion and credibility. It does what it says on the tin – puts young people first.
Benefits to you | Support from us |
Ready to partner?
Get in contact with Claire to find out more about how your business can support our work and transform lives through open access youth work.

Claire Styles
Fundraising Manager